- I'm going to see Bad Religion & NoFX in a week and 2 days time, thanks to my wonderful friends who got me a ticket for my birthday last month. I love you guys! :) I spent my birthday as a birthday weekend and it was PRO! August 28(to 29), 2009 will be a hard one to beat ;D

- My leng jai is back from SG! Five days seemed like a long time; with the way I wipe out the 2degrees sim card's free credit on just texting in under a day ._.
- For the first time, I'm watching Skins. I always heard it was good but never got the chance to watch it because I kept forgetting what time it was on TV. Good thing D.Leech torrented it and gave me the entire first season for free (while he charged the guy who asked him to download it $15. ZING!) I'll elaborate once I'm done x]
- I've been feeling productive.. Last weekend I started customizing Chucks again, and this time with acrylic paints. I did Bullet For My Valentine's Hand of Blood CD art on it and finished in a day :)

- Gatsby Moving Rubber! I know, it's nothing new to either you nor me but I love my Gatsby's, they're uber awesome. Great hair product. Harold has coined mine "stylish morning hair" hahahahaha. Unfortunately, my layers are not short enough to replicate KT. In time I'll get another trim, in time more posts will come.
Something cohesively themed soon.. and a bunch of links. I know you love pretty or BRING THE LULZ clickables as much as I do. Off to watch Skins now! :)
P.S. If anybody wants to exchange links (I'll create a list on the sidebar in time), just comment!
More than a little jealous about those concert plans!